by Ronald H. Krupa | Homeowners, Insurance, Renters Insurance, Tips
An escrow account, also known as an impound account, is a financial arrangement commonly used in the context of home insurance and mortgage payments. It serves as a designated account that holds funds to cover specific expenses related to homeownership. Here’s...
by Ronald H. Krupa | Homeowners
Does a tree in your yard have you stumped? You’d like to remove it, perhaps, but you’re not certain of the best way to go about it. As your insurance agent, we always recommend that you hire a professional for any large tree removal, and you ask them for proof of...
by Ronald H. Krupa | Homeowners
When you decide you want to buy your first home, homeowners insurance may not be the first thing you think about. However, most mortgage lenders require you to have homeowners insurance before they will approve your loan. There are a few things you should know about...
by Ronald H. Krupa | Home, Homeowners, Safety, Tips
For areas of the country that deal with bitter cold, snow and ice can bring unwelcomed damage to your home. An example of such damage are ice dams which are ridges of ice that form when heat inside your home enters the attic and melts snow on the roof. As the snow...